Clinically, it is best to use silver amalgam as permanent filling material, and co 1 and visible light cured composite resin made in our country may be selected for the anterior teeth filling and aesthetic purpose. 临床仍应选择以银汞合金为后牙永久性充填材料,前牙充填和美容可选择Co&1和国产光固树脂。
Complete ones and partial ones each take a half. Conclusion Endodontic treatments of permanent mandibular second molars become difficult because of complexity of the root canal system and occurrence of C-shaped root canals, fine root canal preparation and filling can raise the success rate. 结论根管形态的多变性及C形根管的存在给下颌第二磨牙的根管治疗带来困难,彻底的根管清理,严密的根管充填是治疗成功的关键。
The clinical effect of three kinds of permanent root canal filling material on one visit root canal therapy 三种根管封闭剂应用于根管一次法的临床疗效比较
Conclusion Clear concept of the anatomic form of pulp chamber and root canal of maxillary first permanent molar, correct root canal preparation and closing root canal filling were essential for improving the efficacy of root canal therapy of the maxillary first permanent molar. 结论熟悉髓室和根管的解剖形态,正确的根管预备,严密的根管充填,是提高上颌第一恒磨牙根管治疗疗效的必要条件。
Methods Apicoectomy was performed immediately after the permanent root canal filling. 方法对慢性根尖瘘管进行常规根充后,即刻行根尖切除术。